Sales Presentations in English

  • Sales presentations in English must be specific to the audience – you must know your target market.

  • Understand what their needs are and show how your product or service can meet those needs.

  • Show how not using your product or service might prevent them from achieving their goals.

  • Create urgency – the audience must understand why now.

  • Explain the proposition and include a call to action.

Sales presentations in English present the Sales Value Proposition (SVP) to your clients. Your presentation doesn’t only present your product, it presents your entire company. The quality and professionalism shown in the presentation has to reflect your company’s standards and culture.

Our Services

  • Building presentations is an art. We have been developing professional presentations for many years, and we have direct experience building and presenting them to Fortune 500 companies in Europe and the US.

  • There are cultural differences in how people respond to words, colours and styles of presentation. We are well-placed to tell your English-speaking audience exactly what you are trying to say, taking social conventions and norms into account.

  • We are able to write persuasive and informative presentation copy that really causes emotional responses in US and European audiences.

  • Our extensive experience outside of Europe gives us the sensitivity we need to translate not just words, but feelings as well.

  • Let us help you really communicate with English-speaking audiences.

The Process

Defining the brief: you will send us an initial brief outlining the aim of the presentation and the information that you want included, the target audience, the product or service being presented and the type of presentation you want to produce.

We will review the information you submit, calculate how much work we need to do on it, and then get back to you with a proposal. We will include what we expect to do, the time we expect it  to take and then send you an offer.

Once you have received the offer you can either accept it immediately, or arrange a consultation to discuss the project. You are under no obligation to accept the offer until this stage. Once the offer is accepted, we will work on the first draft and send it to you.

There may be corrections, new thoughts, or other input from you. That is expected. We include this revision in the initial quote, so you have the opportunity to give us feedback at this point. Once we receive your feedback, we will make the changes requested, and deliver the presentation. Naturally, we will work with you to ensure that you are fully satisfied with the final product. 

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